Does your software development team use scrum?

Is scrum a part of your team's project management workflow?
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To scale successfully, every software development team needs to have a plan in place to plan and manage their work, and open source is no different.

For many software teams, a scrum methodology is the framework they use for project management. Scrum is all about making development agile while keeping work sprints on a regular, fixed cadence so that features and bug fixes get built, tested, and deployed on a regular basis.

For companies developing open source software, using scrum may help them to better align with other open source principles, as well as some of the broader attributes of open organizations. Scrum emphasizes transparency, inspection, and adaptation, three pillars that are also critical to the open source community, and so it should be no surprise that there are a lot of advocates of scrum in the open source world.

So how about you and your team? Do you use scrum, or perhaps, a different agile-inspired development methodology? If not, why not? What's working for you?

Let us know in the comments below.

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Jason was an staff member and Red Hatter from 2013 to 2022. This profile contains his work-related articles from that time. Other contributions can be found on his personal account.


No we don't use scrum
We have just started using agile with work boards and continuous delivery using 2 week sprints, but scrum daily standps retrospectives etc would be overkill as it's usually product customer development not project development.

yes we do. For developing the Tuleap we do Scrum, for our support activity we prefer Kanban.

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