Why fear of failure is a silent DevOps virus

In the context of software development, fail fast is innocuous to DevOps.
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Do you recognize the following scenario? I do, because a manager once stifled my passion and innovation to the point I was anxious to make decisions, take risks, and focus on what's important: "uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it" (Agile Manifesto, 2001).

Developer: "The UX hypothesis failed. Users did not respond well to the new navigation experience, resulting in 80% of users switching back to the classic navigation."

Manager: "This is really bad! How is this possible? We need to fix this because I'm not sure that our stakeholders want to hear about your failure."

Here is a different, more powerful response.

Leader: "What are the probable causes for our hypothesis failing and how can we improve the user experience? Let us analyze and share our remediation plan with our stakeholders."

It is all about the tone that centers on a constructive and blameless mindset.

There are various types of fear that paralyze people, who then infect their team. Fearful that nothing is ever enough, pushing themselves to do more and more, viewing feedback as unfavorable, and often burning themselves out. They work hard, not smart—delivering volume, not value.

Others fear being judged, compare themselves with others, and shy away from accountability. They seldom share their knowledge, passion, or work; instead of vibrant collaboration, they find themselves wandering through a ghost ship filled with skeletons and foul fish.

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Fear of failure is rife in many organizations, especially those that have embarked on a digital transformation journey. It's caused by the undesirability of failure, knowledge of repercussions, and lack of appetite for validated learning.

This is a strange phenomenon because when we look at the Manifesto for Agile Software Development, we notice references to "customer collaboration" and "responding to change." Lean thinking promotes principles such as "optimize the whole," "eliminate waste," "create knowledge," "build quality in," and "respect people." Also, two of the Kanban principles mention "visualize work" and "continuous improvement."

I have a hypothesis:

"I believe an organization will embrace failure if we elaborate the benefit of failure in the context of software engineering to all stakeholders."

Let's look at a traditional software development lifecycle that strives for quality, is based on strict processes, and is sensitive to failure. We design, develop, and test all features in sequence. The solution is released to the customer when QA and security give us the "thumbs up," followed by a happy user (success) or unhappy user (failure).

Traditional software development lifecycle

With the traditional model, we have one opportunity to fail or succeed. This is probably an effective model if we are building a sensitive product such as a multimillion-dollar rocket or aircraft. Context is important!

Now let's look at a more modern software development lifecycle that strives for quality and embraces failure. We design, build, and test and release a limited release to our users for preview. We get feedback. If the user is happy (success), we move to the next feature. If the user is unhappy (failure), we either improve or scrap the feature based on validated feedback.

Modern software development lifecycle

Note that we have a minimum of one opportunity to fail per feature, giving us a minimum of 10 opportunities to improve our product, based on validated user feedback, before we release the same product. Essentially, this modern approach is a repetition of the traditional approach, but it's broken down into smaller release cycles. We cannot reduce the effort to design, develop, and test our features, but we can learn and improve the process. You can take this software engineering process a few steps further.

  • Continuous delivery (CD) aims to deliver software in short cycles and releases features reliably, one at a time, at a click of a button by the business or user.
  • Test-driven development (TDD) is a software engineering approach that creates many debates among stakeholders in business, development, and quality assurance. It relies on short and repetitive development cycles, each one crafting test cases based on requirements, failing, and developing software to pass the test cases.
  • Hypothesis-driven development (HDD) is based on a series of experiments to validate or disprove a hypothesis in a complex problem domain where we have unknown unknowns. When the hypothesis fails, we pivot. When it passes, we focus on the next experiment. Like TDD, it is based on very short repetitions to explore and react on validated learning.

Yes, I am confident that failure is not bad. In fact, it is an enabler for innovation and continuous learning. It is important to emphasize that we need to embrace failure in the form of fail fast, which means that we slice our product into small units of work that can be developed and delivered as value, quickly and reliably. When we fail, the waste and impact must be minimized, and the validated learning maximized.

To avoid the fear of failure among engineers, all stakeholders in an organization need to trust the engineering process and embrace failure. The best antidote is leaders who are supportive and inspiring, along with having a collective blameless mindset to plan, prioritize, build, release, and support. We should not be reckless or oblivious of the impact of failure, especially when it impacts investors or livelihoods.

We cannot be afraid of failure when we're developing software. Otherwise, we will stifle innovation and evolution, which in turn suffocates the union of people, process, and continuous delivery of value, key ingredients of DevOps as defined by Donovan Brown:

"DevOps is the union of people, process, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to our end users."

Special thanks to Anton Teterine and Alex Bunardzic for sharing their perspectives on fear.

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Since mid-’80s, I have been striving for simplicity and maintainability in software engineering. As a software engineer, I analyse, design, develop, test, and support software solutions.


Nice article, thank you.
The example posted at top demonstrates an overt sense of blame which would naturally lead to less senior people withdrawing to avoid conflict.

What can you say about fears generated around less obvious situations? Fears such as holding up the release, delaying the deadline, being perceived as the team bottleneck? Lack of real customer or stakeholder feedback and fear of trying to provoke something useful can also get in the way of progress.


Thanks for your feedback.

Your question is a good one and one for which we are trying to find an antidote. Alex talks about a blameless DevOps in his https://opensource.com/article/19/8/failure-feature-blameless-devops article, which highlights one root cause for the fear of failure … blame.

In a team environment based on trust, vibrant debate, commitment, and accountability there is an appetite for experimentation, an acceptance for failure, and an understanding that failure is an opportunity to learn and improve.

Holding up a release, delaying a deadline, being a bottleneck, or getting a lack of feedback are challenges that the team is accountable for, not individual team members. By standing your ground as a team, you minimize the opportunity to blame and demotivate individuals, which in turn becomes toxic for the team.

Trying to “poke the hornet’s nest” … which is something we are continuously doing these days q;) … is a way to enable and encourage innovation, rather than provoke. It works best when we have a culture that embraces experimentation, continuous innovation, consuming failures as learning opportunities, and scorns blame.

To get back to your question. Trust is the pillar of a healthy DevOps mindset and many (if not all) of the fears and dysfunctions originate from a lack thereof. For example, traditional and centralised management will be reluctant to trust a team that swears on agility, experimentation, failure, and is continuously open for business.

You may need an experienced coach and facilitator, to drive transparency, information sharing, position teams and its members as an asset not a liability or punching bag, and set up a foundation of trust.

Remember, DevOps is a continuous journey without a destination. Changing attitudes and eliminating fear will take time!

Thanks for your thoughtful response, and points well taken.
I seems to see more often than not, across various discussions, issues revolving around fixed deadline dates and fixed feature delivery expectations. Those are not always compatible with agile and can hamper the process of innovation as the cycle of trust/debate/experimentation/etc. is limited by the constraints of the demand.

Great article and response, thanks!

Good point - many root causes of "fear to fail" are fixed deadlines and expectations, especially in an organization that is going through an Agile transformation bottom-up. I have witnessed many sprint planning sessions that start with the product owner presenting a roadmap with milestones and list of features expected for each milestone. The line of autonomy is often breached, when product owner influences the team on HOW and WHEN to deliver features - as a result, the team becomes focused on milestones, instead of quality and continuous improvements.

As discussed in other articles, most of the transformation journey challenges are based on the people, the organization's culture, and a misalignment of expectations.

In reply to by JamesF

Such an amazing article.

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