Interested in keeping track of what's happening in the open source cloud? is your source for news in OpenStack, the open source cloud infrastructure project.
OpenStack around the web
There's a lot of interesting stuff being written about OpenStack. Here's a sampling:
- Take the official OpenStack user survey: Hurry, the deadline is this Friday.
- Visualize your OpenStack cloud: Using Gnocchi and Grafana to make awesome monitoring visualizations.
- Python 3 status in OpenStack Liberty: What progress has been made, and what's still left to do.
- 5 reasons to learn Openstack Swift: It's time to learn more about the OpenStack object storage project.
- A starter guide to DefCore, OpenStack's interoperability project: Creating the minimum standards for products labeled OpenStack.
- Bringing NFV into OpenStack with Tacker: A project to develop a general-purpose network functions virtualization orchestrator.
- PayPal VP on OpenStack deployment benefits and burdens: PayPal continues to carry the OpenStack torch and work out the kinks.
- Confused about the OpenStack release cycle?: Check out this handy chart.
- On getting the OpenStack skills that get jobs: There are plenty of options for your training needs.
OpenStack discussions
Here's a sample of some of the most active discussions this week on the OpenStack developers' listserv. For a more in-depth look, why not dive in yourself?
- Something incompatible with our requirements: Fixing time-sensitive issues in Keystone.
- Semantics expected when booting a VM on an external network: How can Neutron can describe 'routed' semantics as well as all the traditional ones?
- PTL nomination period is now over: Projects are choosing new team leads.
- LVM snapshot performance issue: Why isn't thin provisioning the default?
- Call for mentors Outreachy Dec-March 2016: Help increase the diversity of OpenStack.
Cloud & OpenStack events
Here's what is happening this week. Something missing? Email us and let us know, or add it to our events calendar.
- Bi-modal IT & OpenStack: Tuesday, September 22, 2015; Washington, DC.
- OpenStack and DevOps user groups: Wednesday, September 23, 2015; Helsinki, Finland.
- OpenStack meetup: Wednesday, September 23, 2015; Budapest, Hungary.
- How Adobe built an OpenStack cloud: Thursday, September 24; Lehi, Utah.
- Discuss and learn about OpenStack: Thursday, September 24; Littleton, Colorado.
- Deploying OpenStack with Ansible: Thursday, September 24; Athens, Greece.
Interested in the OpenStack project development meetings? A complete list of these meetings' regular schedules is available here.
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