Do you use Creative Commons licenses?

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Do you use Creative Commons licenses on YouTube?

Creative Commons provides a set of copyright licenses and tools "that give everyone from individual creators to large companies and institutions a simple, standardized way to keep their copyright while allowing certain uses of their work."

The idea is to make sharing on the Internet more straightforward and understandable, so people do it more.

Periodically, we like to check with our readers to see if they are aware of Creative Commons, and if they use any of the CC licenses.

If you use any Creative Commons licenses tell us how in the comments.

User profile image.
Colin Dodd is a writer at Red Hat.


I use CC on my website and most of my creative work:

Personally I think is the best way to share online content and even offline.

I really like the concept of retaining ownership of a work, with the freedom for others to share without legal problems. It's fair to all, for the creator and the rest of the world.

I use in all my photos posted in Flickr (
The license is a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivs 3.0 Unported License.

Very nice! I shared one of your photos on my Tumblr blog:

I use creative commons to share my product designs ( at sites like or . I feel as creative coomons is still a new thing for product designers and they often are afraid of using it...

I agree, most creators are afraid to try such things because it is different from what we've grown up with. That's why it is so important to promote CC. I like your designs, and so I've just added your pen-plane to my Pinterest "Free Culture" page

=) So nice Laurel, I have never been pinterested by someone, Thanks. Glad you liked the designs....let there be more designs under Creative Commons. blogs are licenced CC by-sa:
my <a href="">personal blog</a>
<a href="">Oh! Canada</a>
<a href="">techDITZ</a>
<a href="">Libreleft Books</a> blog

with the exception of <a href="">interweb freedom</a> which uses CC 0 to put it directly into the public domain

All my photographs are shared with CC licenses, not just on Flickr but on <a href="">Tumblr</a>
and <a href="">Pinterest</a>

I'm also a selfpublishing author, who has released my debut novel <a href="">Inconstant Moon</a> under CC by-nc-sa

I don't *think* I missed anything...

Yes, definitely, I use the CC license for all my <a href="">presentations</a>.

Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.