Are we on the cusp of seeing dramatic changes in the way governments operate by publishing and consuming open data? Mark Headd, Developer Evangelism at Accela seems to think…
DevOps is often touted as the next big thing in software development, and rightly so. DevOps encourages collaboration among different teams working on the product, aims to…
Don Schenck is a Rackspace developer advocate, meaning he writes code, writes about code, speaks at conferences, teaches workshops, and helps customers. Prior to Rackspace…
Open source scares people. And tossing them into the deep end usually doesn’t help dampen that fear. Instead, we need to help ease people into using open source. Scott Nesbitt…
Vincent Batts, who works at Red Hat on Docker and OpenShift technologies, explains Docker and Linux Containers (LXC). Containers have been around for a few years, being…
Remy DeCausemaker wears many hats. Including: 2013 Google Summer of Code (GSOC) mentor for Sugarlabs resident hackademic and open sourcerer for the RIT Center for media, arts…