How to use Podman in GitLab Runners There are multiple ways to spin up GitLab runners using Podman, two of which I have outlined in this article.
Manage OpenStack using Terraform and GitLab Follow this tutorial to see how using GitLab can further enhance collaboration in your OpenStack cluster.
Reinvent your release strategy with an API gateway The ability to separate the deployment and release of service (and corresponding API) is a powerful technique, especially with the rise in the progressive delivery approach.
Use Terraform to manage an OpenStack cluster Terraform is a declarative language that can act as a blueprint of the infrastructure you're working on.
How to use GitOps to automate Terraform Instead of using CI/CD pipelines or Terraform Cloud, try this alternative approach to automating Terraform using Flux and GitOps.
Packaging Python modules with wheels By using a CI/CD build system, providing Python packages in the advantageous wheel format becomes a breeze.