While I typically go all out for Halloween decorations every year, I'll admit I'm feeling tired this year. I still wanted to delight the neighborhood kids with simple details…
This year for Halloween, we decided to construct a witch's workbench out on the front porch. A trip to the local op shop produced an attractive candlestick, mortar (no pestle)…
Maker projects can be tough if you don't have a good workspace. For a long time, mine was an ESD mat on the dining room table. But as my projects (and family) grew, I was…
The Raspberry Pi camera module is a great accessory for the Pi—it's great quality, and can capture still photos and record video in full HD (1080p). The original 5-megapixel…
Schuyler St. Leger is one of the superheroes of the maker movement. He's a speaker, young maker, and was featured in Make magazine. His famous presentation, Why I love my 3-D…
Starting today, shops and newsagents are stocking a computer magazine called The MagPi, and as a world's first, this magazine comes with a free computer—literally stuck to the…