Open source maps and open data help humanitarian response Open source brings people together to provide aid in response to the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
Contribute to OpenStreetMap from your phone StreetComplete is an open street map editor used for mapping in the field while on an Android phone.
What I love about OpenStreetMap This month is the birthday of OpenStreetMap (OSM), a community-owned collaborative geographic database of the world.
Explore waterways with this open source nautical navigation tool Whether you're sailing down a local river or setting out on the open seas, keep track of your nautical location with OpenCPN.
How open source is helping solve the plastic pollution problem OpenLitterMap empowers people to map and share data on litter problems in their communities.
New open source GIS projects for Kubernetes applications pg_tileserv and pg_featureserv make it easier for developers to add location services to Kubernetes applications.