Tim Berners-Lee building a decentralized internet, Mojang opening Minecraft game code, and more news Catch up on the biggest open source headlines from the past two weeks.
CLIP OS, fighting bias and diagnosing cancer with AI, Consul open source citizen participation platform, and more news Get updated on France's new secure operating system, IBM's bias-hunting toolkit, using open source AI to diagnose cancer, and more.
Google's Dataset Search, Julia programming language, and more news Catch up on the biggest open source headlines from the past two weeks.
Redis Labs changes license, Valve releases new Steam Play beta version, and more news Catch up on the biggest open source headlines from the past two weeks.
Tesla open sources its security software, Hollywood goes open source, and more news Catch up on the latest open source headlines.
NASA open sources its Mars rover, Rome adopts LibreOffice, and more news Catch up on the biggest open source headlines from the past two weeks.