Open source and science take many of the same approaches to investigation and discovery, making them natural allies. Learn more about the intersection of open source and science in these articles.
For years, the benefits of open source code development have been self-evident to the software development community: Transparency leads to collaboration, and collaboration…
This past summer, I was an intern at the GVIS Lab at NASA Glenn, where I brought my passion for open source into the lab. My task was to improve our lab's contributions to an…
One of the major issues with the Zika virus is that so little is known about it. That means that a lot of research has to be done very quickly. The Zika virus is at the heart…
Parker Abercrombie is a software engineer at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where he builds software to support Mars science missions. He has a special interest in geographic…
This year has been another great one for open science. At we published several great stories about open science projects that are changing the way we research…
A large amount of scientific research is published in scientific journals, and there has been a lot of debate around offering open access to these articles, along with the…