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Red Hat HQ
Editor, writer, and developer. I wear many hats, including the red one. Graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill School of Journalism; long-time interest in all things geeky. Editor of Red Hat Magazine and grizzled industry veteran, including time as an archivist for SunSITE UNC (now ibiblio.org) and ten-plus years at my current gig. I love:
- vidya games and other dubious online experiences (Second Life, WoW, DDO, Rift--started out with Zork, IRC, and old-school BBS and MUDD/MOO/etc. groupings... old school nerd!)
- cooking, crafting, and creativity
- smart people
- openness, transparency, honesty, and trust
- coffee in all its delicious forms
I loathe:
- giving the web a version number
- social media "experts" (who send me spam)
- proprietary thinking about thoughts and ideas
- soggy cake or bread
- greed, selfishness, and a lack of humility
Authored Comments
Heard about this on NPR this morning--but seems like you're not the only one thinking this way, Jason. Edmunds.com, an automotive industry help site, is reportedly seeking to offer prize money for a "crowdsourced" solution to the acceleration issues. Here's the story covered in the Washington Post:
Edmunds also has a forum with a great deal of discussion on the topic:
And here's the actual announcement of their, er, plan:
Do note, the first line of the Post article refers to American Idol. This amuses me.
Far, far, far too much Food Network is on at my house. :)