Chris Hermansen

7192 points
Chris Hermansen portrait Temuco Chile
Vancouver, Canada

Seldom without a computer of some sort since graduating from the University of British Columbia in 1978, I have been a full-time Linux user since 2005, a full-time Solaris and SunOS user from 1986 through 2005, and UNIX System V user before that.

On the technical side of things, I have spent a great deal of my career as a consultant, doing data analysis and visualization; especially spatial data analysis. I have a substantial amount of related programming experience, using C, awk, Java, Python, PostgreSQL, PostGIS and lately Groovy. I'm looking at Julia with great interest. I have also built a few desktop and web-based applications, primarily in Java and lately in Grails with lots of JavaScript on the front end and PostgreSQL as my database of choice.

Aside from that, I spend a considerable amount of time writing proposals, technical reports and - of course - stuff on

Authored Comments

An interesting article, Matt, thanks! I was glad to see "what not to share".

While most of my dot files hold no secrets, as you note some do - .ssh, .gnupg, .local/share among others... could be some others. Thinking about this, my dot files are kind of like my sock drawer - plenty of serviceable socks there, not sure I would want to share them! Anyway a neat idea.

Hi Jonas, not sure why I did not see your comment earlier but my apologies for not responding!

I'm really sorry I missed this bit rate on playback - I see it's the average bit rate of the song, as opposed to the effective instantaneous bit rate while playing, but still that's an omission on my part. I've corrected the article!