Craig Harffey

Authored Comments

Great - looking forward to my inbox being filled with even more crap now last months crap can be legally remixed !

Seriously though - this is great news all round and may go some way in getting CC as well understood as copyright is among the general public.

As a consultant I often produce content that contractually belongs to the client, which I cannot reuse. I would love to be able to CC license some of the more generic (less valuable) content. To me this makes more sense than a client paying for me to reproduce work I have done before. Great idea in theory, at least.

Off now to look at mixing some Al Jazeera footage with kittens falling off a table.


Some of my clients couldn't even spell creative commons, let alone understand it! ;-)

Problem is typically catch-22, as anything I produce for them they are paying top dollar for and unlikely to want to share - it's the future clients who would benefit from reusing effort by saving time.

We would need to incentivise clients to release material for CC or move the perceived value from the material itself.