Stuart Gathman

Authored Comments

Competent public ESPs like gmail and aol have implemented email authentication for ages. (They still have the whack a mole problem of throw away accounts - but there is no forgery.) The only unauthenticated email is from incompetent (wrt email) ISPs (I'm resisting the temptation to name names - you probably don't know who you are) and small operators who don't want to use a commercial service, but don't actually know what they are doing (and get mad if you try to educate them).

So just stop tolerating unauthenticated email. I will admit that gmail, for instance, does not provide a button for end users to "stop tolerating unauthenticated email". However, they incorporate that as part of their mysterious and hidden process of spam control.

I was first introduced to Saint Columba in a novel by Nancy Farmer - the Heroes take refuge in Columba's exilic retreat.