Stuart Gathman

Authored Comments

He probably meant to say "math" not algorithm, and "case law", not patent law. The actual statue just says: <a href="">
Whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may obtain a patent therefor, subject to the conditions and requirements of this title [35 USCS Sects. 1 et seq.]. </a> The precise definition of "process" is in question.

Previous case law established that "math" was not patentable, but then went on to also establish that "software" as part of an overall process did not prevent the overall process from being patentable. (A reasonable decision.) Further cases went on to effectively make "algorithms" patentable on their own.

Clearly, the courts did not understand math or algorithms, because the rulings are contradictory - as any mathematician will tell you. This contradition needs to be resolved by yet more case law (or revised statue), and many of us are making the case that yes, math should not be patentable (opinion), and software is math (fact).

Our library uses Windows for the public internet terminals. I've talked to them about an open source solution, with voluteer labor even, but the problem is they need a "kiosk" solution. They reimage all the windows computers every night at closing, and all removable media drives have been disabled or removed, and the cases are locked.

There is also some attempt to "lock down" IE, but I've noticed that 8 year olds have no problem defeating the lock down. :-) The nightly reimaging from a secure server is what they really rely on for security.

Another problem is that many of the paid subscription online services require Windows. (I'm not sure why - you pays your subscription, you get so many hours/GBs/whatever. I think the issue might be hiding the login credentials from library patrons so they can't use it at home.)

Is there an open source distro aimed at 1) kiosk operation 2) hiding subscription credentials from patrons?

#2 can be handled very securely using kerberos, or other ticket granting system, or more simply by forcing access to the services to go through a secure proxy in the back room which adds the credentials.

As far as downloadable media - I can understand why publishers require DRM, and I can't fault the library. Free downloads like gutenberg are already freely available online. Rental situations are the one legitimate application of DRM. Personally, if I ever need any of the DRMed media, I'll buy a kindle. Embedded DRM is much less objectionable to me than a DRMed OS on my general purpose personal computer.