
Authored Comments

What is the actual battery life, in your experience?
The battery is not user-replaceable (a sad trend). What service does System76 offer to replace it when it dies? How much will it cost? Will they sell replacement batteries to DIY users (which is majority of Linux users)?

How does the price of the Darter Pro compare to similarly-spec'd XPS 13 and macbook?

Thank you!

Flightgear is fun, but it continues to frustrate. Added the ppa, ran the update (apt update, not apt updates), installed Flightgear. When I start fgfs, it goes straight into the C172. I don't get the pretty menu. When I start it from the mouse menu (Xubuntu 18.04.1 LTS), I get a blank white window.

When I crash-land and restart, the tab key no longer switches between pointer, flight controls, and view control until I restart FG. Frustrating.

Other than that, graphics look great, Terrasync works, and it's fun to fly around. I wish I knew how to turn off the psychedelic fake fill-in buildings. I also wish startup was way faster. Looks like it's single-threaded, taking a good minute to get started.