Drew Kwashnak

1754 points
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New England, CT

I have always been interested in computers, and would find myself hanging out with the Computer Science students instead of the Aviation Management or Business Management students I was a part of. At home and at work I have been largely self-teaching myself using computers starting with Excel and Access with VBA through ASP and SQL at work. Thankfully my current employer values education, and so I have been taking classes and not only learning the technology, but un-learning what I have been doing wrong over the years. At home, though, I have been teaching myself Linux, system administration, networking and the overall method of migrating our system from Windows to Linux. I am involved in the Danbury Area Computer Society (DACS.org) I have the opportunity to take what I've learned the hard way and hopefully help others.. I have been enjoying Open Source for a while now, and I am hoping to get a better understanding of the entire model and application.

Authored Comments

I hope that Google works more with the ODT format. It will help both sides, Linux with getting ODT further supported and recognized while Google may benefit from the mentioned Government acceptance.

Microsoft's Online Onedrive, surprisingly, supports opening, editing and saving ODT documents even setting ODT as the default save format for new documents worked in their Office Online applications.

But like so many things with Google, will have to wait and see how much of this change from Google benefits me as a Linux user. Yes, I am still bitter that they have not released the "promised" Linux Google Drive client which makes me wary of any Google move and how it impacts Linux.

So ownCloud works to redirect requests to-and-from the user (Gnome) and the alternative services (Google Drive, Dropbox) but doesn't actually store the files in the ownCloud directory (which your example has a 1GB limit)?

Brilliant! I'm going to have to look into this!

btw, thanks for the screenshots.. I am a visual person and seeing the screenshots makes more sense to me than if it was all text (unless they are all command to run only)

I'm the kind of person that has files in multiple cloud sites and access them through the computers (Windows and Linux ) as well as a browser (such as when at work). So far no one service has done everything I need but if this works as I suspect (hope) it works it just may help fill in the gaps!