Greg DeKoenigsberg

285 points
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Greg DeKoenigsberg is the Vice President of Community for Ansible, where he leads the company's relationship with the broader open source community. Greg brings to Ansible over a decade of open source product and community leadership, with the majority of this time spent building and leading communities for open source leader Red Hat. While at Red Hat, Greg served in various community leadership roles, including senior community architect, leader of the Fedora project, chair of the first Fedora Project Board, and Red Hat community liaison with the One Laptop Per Child project. More recently, Greg led community and product efforts for open source cloud pioneer Eucalyptus Systems.

Authored Comments

Good stuff! I like this quote:

"Software Craftsmen should sign their work. This will enable them to build up a portfolio of applications that can be a basis for their reputation. This will allow the software industry to move away from the various interview games that are played and instead base hiring on an audition model (page 144)."

It's no coincidence, I don't think, that the world of free and open source software is driven by reputation. Craftsmanship and reputation go hand-in-hand. A great recommendation -- thank you. :)

It's pretty to think that there's actual competition in the textbook industry -- but iI would argue that a handful of players hold 99% of the market and use that power to define what is "acceptable" to the education consumers does not constitute "competition". Where I come from, that's called "the fox guarding the hen house".

Or maybe you think there's a *good* reason that plain ol' books cost $10-20, but textbooks cost $200. Explain that dynamic to us.