Greg DeKoenigsberg

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Greg DeKoenigsberg is the Vice President of Community for Ansible, where he leads the company's relationship with the broader open source community. Greg brings to Ansible over a decade of open source product and community leadership, with the majority of this time spent building and leading communities for open source leader Red Hat. While at Red Hat, Greg served in various community leadership roles, including senior community architect, leader of the Fedora project, chair of the first Fedora Project Board, and Red Hat community liaison with the One Laptop Per Child project. More recently, Greg led community and product efforts for open source cloud pioneer Eucalyptus Systems.

Authored Comments

I stand technically corrected ...but does anyone actually consider CC0 a "creative commons license"? Does anyone use it? This is no different than simply putting something in the public domain.

...but he certainly doesn't help his case any by making dramatic and polemical statements.

Are there legitimate issues? There certainly are. Is hive mind an issue in Wikipedia? Oh yes indeed, it is. Is the legitimacy of attribution a concern? No question about it. But his implication that every commons, no matter how conservatively managed, devolves into the the kind of mess one sees in the worst corners of Wikipedia, is preposterous -- and actively damaging if people take his nonsense as gospel truth, because it happens to show up in the Wall Street Journal.