Louisville, KY
Greg is a retired neurologist in Louisville, Kentucky, with a long-standing interest in computers and programming, beginning with Fortran IV in the 1960s. When Linux and open source software came along, it kindled a commitment to learning more, and eventually contributing. He is a member of the Scribus Team.
Authored Comments
White foreground, black background.
I like the "jump in and swim" method. What you're jumping into is the sea of example Python scripts that you can find out there. You have two basic goals, one not to get in over your head to quickly, and secondly, look for programs and scripts that do something you thing is useful (to you) and interesting.
Take the scripts out for a spin, play with them by changing lines or adding some, to see what happens. Look up commands to see how they work.
Sooner or later, you'll be able to start your own little program from scratch. Along the way, you be learning how to interpret the feedback you get when you mess something up - this isn't as straightforward as you might think.