Joshua Allen Holm

Authored Comments

I'm putting the first sentence of this article on a (virtual) post-it note. It is so important to remember that we don't/can't know everything, both in the classroom setting and when working on open source software as part of the development/support community. The best teachers and open source support people I've worked with were the ones who knew how to say "I don't know, but let's find out together". Every single time, they managed to figure things out, but, if they didn't have the humility to say "I don't know", they might not have be able to do so.

I'm always impressed when I read about Red Hat's corporate culture. It is wonderful to hear that Red Hat respects and values the input of everyone, even (or, especially) the interns. And does any other company have their <a href="">CEO take support calls</a>? ;-)

But to any Red Hatters out there, is there is any way to get any of the stuff from the <a href="">Red Hat Cool Stuff Store</a> without the crazy shipping prices? I kinda want a sheet of the stickers, which cost $0.77, but the shipping on just that is $9.90! (And padding out my order with a few other items doesn't do much to offset the shipping costs.)