Honey Mak

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we have a BIG...super BIG open src community...feels like entire human population in the world...

"the world" in this case = open src community
but we have different people from different nations...
we have some values that we understood and universal
but we have some differences too

it's not necessary to integrate personal values deeply into project building...though that could be little bit tricky in words....

but it's free to fork...
it's great that if someone really leads the way...
but if not, then you will be your own lead...if you are tough enough...then you reach it...if you are not tough enough...that may find yourself actually not quite really interested in the topic...feels like the great Edison making the very 1st lamp?...today's open src development is way far easier...

open src just works like daily life....you will buy something from stall A...you will buy another thing from stall B...you won't just look for everything in one single place....

what open src brings is real freedom...you can make it commercial and stick with it...when someone doesn't like it...then just make another stuff...

if take this mechanism a little bit more optimistic, any open src activity is actually trying to bring a better world....unless just stealing from the src and never contributes...

because through open src development, actually a social model is being built as well...different circles for different topics, AND different specialists and different open src "schools" or triangular stepping stone model for "community career" building as well....

that's "open src-ism" already
u may join by interest
or u may not join
or u may join by forking a project ... leads to your own interest

that's not a problem
that's the way it's going

just try to figure out how u interact with the community and how it feeds back

it does not fix or limit anything into a "box"
open src itself is like liquid

free-form and eventually reaches its well-form
when it breaks, it means it will go into another free-well-form

feels like water drops and leads to waves

that's part of modern viral marketing would like to intimate...