Jason van Gumster

2391 points
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Atlanta, GA

Jason van Gumster mostly makes stuff up. He writes, animates, and occasionally teaches, all using open source tools. He's run a small, independent animation studio, wrote Blender For Dummies and GIMP Bible, and continues to blurt out his experiences during a [sometimes] weekly podcast, the Open Source Creative Podcast. Adventures (and lies) at @monsterjavaguns.

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That said, if you're using a password manager, what's the harm in using a strong password?

I'd also caution folks about devaluing the need for strong passwords on social media sites (especially Facebook and Twitter). It's not just about someone tweeting for you. With OAuth and the ability to authenticate accounts using login credentials from social media sites, those passwords have a much higher importance than you might think.

For a quick and dirty solution, you can also use the "Responsive Design" mode that's available in some browsers (in Firefox, Ctrl+Shift+M... in Chrome enable Developer tools [Ctrl+Shift+I] and then use Ctrl+Shift+M). From there, you can emulate the browser behavior of a variety of mobile devices. You don't quite have the same number of features that you appear to have in Ramme (like filters), but for a quick post from the desktop, this trick works surprisingly well.