Jason van Gumster

2391 points
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Atlanta, GA

Jason van Gumster mostly makes stuff up. He writes, animates, and occasionally teaches, all using open source tools. He's run a small, independent animation studio, wrote Blender For Dummies and GIMP Bible, and continues to blurt out his experiences during a [sometimes] weekly podcast, the Open Source Creative Podcast. Adventures (and lies) at @monsterjavaguns.

Authored Comments

That's fantastic! I'm sure that makes your dog happy. The room where I do my 3D work is similarly situated. I've had to cut back on my computers, though. The fans in a 4U server sound like a jet taking off. :)

At the conference, Paul mentioned setting up servers "anywhere heat is needed", going so far as to mention flat-top cooking surfaces. I'm really interested to see where their company goes.

Do sketchbooks count? I haven't had a personal laptop for a few years now (though I suppose I could sticker my tablet), but I've always been a fan of laying some stickery goodness on my sketchbooks. Also colored duct tape, but that's mostly for repairs. :P