Jim Salter

602 points
Jim Salter
West Columbia

I'm a mercenary systems administrator located in Columbia, SC. My first real hands-on experience with open source software was running Apache on FreeBSD webservers in the late 90s and early 2000s. Since then, I moved on to Samba, BIND, qmail, postfix, and anything and everything else that grabbed my attention. I currently support Windows, FreeBSD, Debian, and Ubuntu workstations and servers doing just about everything that you can possibly do with any or all of them. RAH said it best - specialization is for insects!

Authored Comments

> I was heading more in the direction of eye tracking and a simplified menu of premade words and phrases that could be organized/navigated contextually.

Robert, I think something I saw on Reddit this week is going to be right up your alley.


TL;DR: OptiKey is open source software for Windows, designed to be used with commodity eye-tracking hardware which costs about $100. A whole bunch of Redditors immediately downloaded it and tried it out and said it worked quite well.

Jean-Francois, I truly despise the "mandatory ipad" thing too. I feel that schools and universities should *specifically* be embracing open source, both because its ideals (the sharing of knowledge) align with theirs, and because schools and universities should not be used as indoctrination tools for commercial companies.