Joseph Thibault

237 points
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Joseph is a husband, start-up junkie/entrepreneur, open source software user, blogger and online course manager/developer for His goal is to advance open source software, open educational resources, educational opportunities and to make education more efficient. He writes about Moodle (at and a host of other interests wherever he can get published.

Authored Comments

I've taken a few classes through P2PU (I was on campus for all of my undergrad and grad level courses): Healthy Lifestyles and Digital Journalism. Both had great online content and interesting discussions. The DJ course also had a great facilitator (Joi Ito, who at the time was the CEO of Creative Commons).

Not sure what's next, but anything from P2PU or off the rack from OCW would be worthy (If I could find the time).

isn't Khan Academy about empowering students to learn as they see fit (part of the larger goal of OER, providing tools directly to the student). If that's the case why are some removing any responsibility for learning from the student? If the student believes there's a benefit from Khan...I say let them learn!