Joseph Thibault

237 points
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Joseph is a husband, start-up junkie/entrepreneur, open source software user, blogger and online course manager/developer for His goal is to advance open source software, open educational resources, educational opportunities and to make education more efficient. He writes about Moodle (at and a host of other interests wherever he can get published.

Authored Comments

You're right, OER is only as good as it's creators and the reviewers (who should/must be experts in the same content field). It's very important moving forward to properly vet open content to verify it's quality. Without quality how can we ensure learning outcomes?

ok, rather than a market or segment being open source...what about a concept like "management". If "management", an entire layer of employment were open sourced might there be room for efficiency and improvements throughout all industries which require oversight? I realize it's a little abstract.

Maybe a quick illustration would help. In schools there's a level of management which administrates the school and "manages" teachers (despite the solitary role that teachers fill in the classroom). The push now is for more transparency in reporting, monitoring and evaluation. If and open source management were put in place of the "management" it's possible that there would be positive gains through a more holistic view of education and its goals. That's not to say that managers don't play a's just that perhaps the knowledge of the community would be better suited (via an open source model) to improve and innovate.

Management is not specific to education though, you can find it in all economic endeavors.