Jos Poortvliet

359 points
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Berlin, Germany

People person, technology enthusiast and all-things-open evangelist. Head of marketing at Nextcloud, previously community manager at ownCloud and SUSE and a long time KDE marketing veteran, loves biking through Berlin and cooking for friends and family. Find my personal blog here.

Authored Comments

Agreed, to built a healthy ecosystem as vendor you need to have confidence in your business model and relinquish control to some extend, putting stuff like trademarks in an independent organisation and removing CLA's and other barriers. Projects like linux itself as well as openstack show how well this can work.

See my posts on this subject here:

I'm sure you are right. Even the best methods combined merely predict about 60% of job performance so there's plenty of room for the ubiquitous 'other' factor. And yes, frequently folks who don't do well on standardized tests excel in practice - after all, the world is changed by people who break rules, not by those who follow them.