Kyle R. Conway

144 points
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Des Moines, Iowa

Kyle R. Conway is a Vice President of Operations for a non-profit, a former Director of Training and Curriculum at a behavioral health organization, a recovering University Graduate part-time Art Instructor, and a perpetually afflicted multidiscriplinary artist.

Kyle holds a PhD in Fine Arts from Texas Tech University.

He likes tea.

Authored Comments

Thanks! I'd never heard of bpython, but that's very useful for starting out. The commands aren't clearly in the head yet and it's helpful to have that auto-suggestion. I had no idea there were tools like this in the command line.

Thanks for the article. I have an irrational fear that if I 'alias' any of my common commands I'll forget them entirely and be unable to do anything useful on other machines because I'll have completely forgotten anything but the alias. Probably irrational. Anyone have any stories there?