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No irony... I lay out my rationale for tarring public listed corporations here: The incentives are crystal clear, and the race to bottom (ethically speaking) is fairly inevitable (there might be some who avoid it, but that'll be the exception not the norm, and who knows which ones).

I think it's very useful to remind those using Free and Open Source Software that they have a duty of care and need to take responsibility for themselves and their needs (enlightened self-interest). It is, however, no different from the responsibility that those using proprietary software need to consider. The liabilities are the big difference. The FOSS liability picture is far less damning than that for proprietary software, because with FOSS the user has recourse and possibility of control that they do not have with proprietary vendors. The key thing to remind people of is that all software has liability attached to it, but FOSS tends to cost less, and the liabilities are more easily mitigated because FOSS licenses protect the interest of the user *over* the supplier. That, in a nutshell, is why many vendors are subtly campaigning to get FOSS devs to adopt more "business-exploitable" licenses (at the expense of *user* freedom).