Jeff Mackanic

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Raleigh, NC

Jeff Mackanic has been at Red Hat for more than nine years and is currently responsible for the creative services team at Red Hat. After several stints with varying levels of success at many e-commerce companies, Jeff became one of the original employees at Akopia, which delivered ecommerce solutions based on the Interchange platform. After Red Hat acquired Akopia, Jeff spent several years in Red Hat Consulting. Jeff has also worked in IT and marketing during his tenure at Red Hat.

Authored Comments

<p>I find this no policy for vacation idea fascinating. I am now asking people if they know of other companies with no policy on vacation. A colleague mentioned :</p><p>"Our new vacation policy is that there is no vacation policy, no paid time off forms, no vacation rollover, nothing. If people want to take time off, they can take time off."</p><p></p><p>What are other companies with no policy for vacation?</p>

<p>I was just reading The Thank You Economy ( by Gary Vaynerchuk. At his company, Vaynermedia, he does not have a vacation policy.</p><p>He is passionate about team building so no one can work from home on a regular basis. Project managers must be in by 9am (to service customers) and execution team by 10:30. He lists two things the make employees happy:</p><p>1. Treat employees like adults</p><p>2. Meet the employees individual needs</p><p>&nbsp;</p>