
222 points
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Linux user since 2009, stayed with Fedora ever since (and I like it!).
Interested in Open Source Way of doing things, sharing ideas and solutions. Focus on human aspects rather than bits & bytes. Favour nifty tools like markdown, newsbeuter and grep.
Learned the command line through breaking my system and annoying my house mates -- but also used CLI to get it running again ;-)

Authored Comments

teaching children the beauty and logic of coding indeed should be already on the basic school curriculae. INHO it is not coding per se but more the way one can use building blocks and stream logic.

24 Feb there was a great article on about LiveCode. the language resembles natural English and makes you remember HyperCard. thanks to donations LiveCode is also avaliable as open source. in fact it is a must-have for every self respecting Linux distro!

LiveCode sounds just great! Back in the 90's I got HyperCard with my first Mac Classic and it was the first (and only) computer language that I learned. Within no time I was able to make nifty tools or just silly things to play with the code. Alternatively I studied the code of parts of the Osmo game I found on the net.

I agree with Matt that 'HC' was and so LiveCode <em>is</em> a great tool to learn the basic of programming in a human way. The syntax is very straightforward and with basic understanding of English language children are able to make some project with it.

The Highlights of this morning showed something beautiful with LiveCode. Visiting their Kickstarter site showed that they already met their funding goal. So on to the next one and spread 'LiveTalk' with the next version of Fedora! Meanwhile I'll search the house for these massive HyperCard and HyperTalk books I once bought to see if there are still snippits lying aroud with interesting but unfinished projects...