Michael B.

Authored Comments

I really hope the Supreme Court says no to re-encumbering public domain stuff. Both patents and copyrights last too long. My intellectual hero and champion of free markets, Milton Friedman, also argued against having such long lasting copyright/patent durations. He called it welfare for producers and argued that it was another way for government to protect large producers and keep out competition. Instead of shortening their duration, they (predictably) increased their lengths.

The creature of Jekyll Island is trying to act more open and transparent in the name of creating more stability and employment? This is an amazing statement from the institution responsible for all of America's inflation, the Great Depression, and several of America's recessions. Even if they did cause better employment and stability, they are still essentially a cartel run by the nation's biggest and most powerful banks. As such, they intentionally make it hard for new banks to form and to compete in order to protect existing banks. Since the founding of the fed, there has been almost 0 new banks forming, much like the government protected and enabled railroad cartel prevented a single new railroad from ever entering the market again.