Mike Bursell

3049 points
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I've been in and around Open Source since around 1997, and have been running (GNU) Linux as my main desktop at home and work since then: not always easy...  I'm a security bod and architect, co-founder of the Enarx project, and am currently CEO of a start-up in the Confidential Computing space.  I have a blog - "Alice, Eve & Bob" - where I write (sometimes rather parenthetically) about security.  I live in the UK and like single malts.

Authored Comments

Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I mentioned audio because I know it's one of the areas where there are still problems. One thing that's not clear from your comment is whether you participate in any open source projects around audio to help make them better? That would seem to be an obvious next step to improve your (and others!) experience.

Derek - I get your point about being a coder, but I think it depends on the project. In most projects, you're certainly more _likely_ to be able to contribute if you code, but for many, there should still be ways to be involved if you're not.