
Authored Comments

This is great information, and it is excellent to see the nearly impenetrable shell of higher education is starting to crack and allow more innovation like this.

It is true that several facilities of higher education are starting to see the benefit of using and supporting open source projects. And it is also important to remember that the benefits to these projects extend in all directions. Students can learn so much from open source projects, and at the same time offer so much benefit to the well-being of the projects.

Students can easily fit into voids in open source project needs (documentation, minor bug fixes, irc/mailing list support, etc.). Simultaneously, students get to learn while working on an actual, tangible, and useful product. For many students, this type of experience can be the difference between coasting through coursework, and actual project engagement. This engagement is critical in educational efforts, and it seems to be lacking in many of the courses available to students today.

A better, more inspiring education, and a better open source product with a larger community. Everybody wins.