Ricardo J. Barberis

Authored Comments

Another KDE (Plasma 5) user here, weirdly on a GNOME article :)

The only GNOME version I really liked was 0.98 (or something like that), because I could swap the window manager to whichever suited me best, but then I discovered KDE 1.1 and switched.

From time to time I used to try different desktops and window managers but I always kept coming back to KDE land.

But if I was a GNOME user I'd probably be using the latest version 3.x as I like getting continual improvements and refinements :)

Happy bday GNOME!

Since around 2000 or 2001, when a printed magazine that I used to buy (Users) started publishing articles about alternative operating systems.

They started with GNU/Linux and Free Software, dedicating them almost a full edition, I was fascinated that people would develop software in the open and started digging more and more.

Gosh, I feel old!
