Greg Soper

Authored Comments

@Cory - i have no evidence to suggest that Cory is not a sweetheart but that is not an excuse for poor journalism. If you are going to write an article in an "authoritative" journal then there is an accompanying responsibility to do the research. Otherwise you are presenting the readership with information that is of very low value. In this case, the readership is poorly informed. Presenting a project that has been dead in the water for more than 2 years as one of the top open source projects of 2015 does's readers no favours. I see no need to withdraw my comment.

Jen, when you preface the first paragraph of the article with "Every year we look back at 10 of the hot open source projects from the past 12 months." and finish it with "we expect more great things from these projects in 2016."

I wonder what's hot about a dormant project and what other great things you expect from a project that has been dead for more than 2 years.

I am not being deliberately antagonistic. We have conversed in the past and I know you do good work.

But this, IMHO, is not your best.