Travis Kepley

323 points
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Raleigh, NC

Travis Kepley is a Senior Instructor at Red Hat where he helps employees, partners and customers understand how Open Source Software can create a better IT and business infrastructure. Travis started at Red Hat in January of 2008 as a Technical Support Engineer before becoming a Solutions Architect prior to moving to his current role. Travis graduated from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and now lives in Raleigh with his wife and dog. When not extolling the virtues of open source, Travis is found fishing as well as playing and recording music.

Authored Comments

I had a lot of fun writing it so I'm glad you enjoyed reading it. Ubuntu is another example of helping to get wins out there for the open guys. Glad to hear it's making its rounds.

Feel free to pass the link to the French translation here so that we can let others read it as well!


Never thought about the open source model-T. Only issue? I don't know how to build a car, just like I don't know how to make a phone. If Toyota made a car that was built using all open source software for the fuel injection system, the interface etc...I would likely dump my Ford due to their reliance on MS based software. But that's my point, we're not talking feature parity when we say Model-T vs Prius. One requires batteries if nothing else...

We are talking feature parity when it comes to a Droid Incredible and an iPhone. It's not tit for tat (Apple would be suing HTC if that were the case), but it's close. Close enough that if you consider yourself an open source zealot (remember, this is after all), you should really think about what you are saying when you spend the days harping about the virtues of open source while talking on your closed phone--when an open source variant is out there. That's all I'm getting at.

PS--I work for Red Hat yes, but I would never lambaste someone for running Opensolaris. Opensolaris is a really cool project and I applaud Sun for opening their software to the public like they did (Let's hope that Oracle keeps the momentum going!!) I am an open source fanboy through and through, and if your flavor of open source works better for you, awesome.