Carolyn Fox

Authored Comments

As a librarian/former teacher and parent, I really applaud and congratulate you on your efforts. I wish more librarians would try moving beyond book-based learning.

Art is way for young children to express themselves -- their thoughts, ideas, and feelings. TuxPaint is an excellent program for young children to do this. It offers an opportunity for young children to have unstructured play which is so critical for life, learning, and their development.

Well, you're absolutely right Dudley. I've got a son in kindergarten and that's why I started to write articles for open source on education. I hear your frustrations and share them with you.

Countries around the globe are embracing open source, even some of the poorest and least networked, yet the US seems slow to jump on the bandwagon. I've heard Turkey is making big strides in terms of open source and providing wifi to those in school. In India, they've been trying out the Aakash, the world's cheapest android tablet. I've got a livebinder that has a sampling of global open source projects/movements (others too, under Wivenhoe) (