Carolyn Fox

Authored Content

Unschooling is the open source way

The words unschooling and open source often make people take a step back. But if there is any mode of learning that fully embraces the philosophy of the open source way, it is…

Are libraries resisting open source?

My husband and I are librarians. We were talking recently about library training, the library profession, the open source movement, and how open source digital content is…

Authored Comments

I totally agree. I think libraries and community centers need to embrace open educational resources, including MOOCs, as well as public schools. But why limit this open approach to only institutions? If a group of parents formed a co-op for their children, then I see no reason why they couldn't become a sort of an open learning commons co-op either.

Yes, I agree about the Google docs either. However, I try to remind myself that Rome was not built in a day. People are familiar with Google docs just as people are more familiar with Facebook than

Thanks Charlie. I'm very excited by this investment in high school students. I'd love to see what you're doing. That's fantastic news.