Run a distributed database on the cloud

Create a distributed database cluster with Kubernetes in two easy steps.
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Apache ShardingSphere is an open source distributed database toolkit. It enhances any database with data sharding, elastic scaling, encryption, and many other capabilities. Deploying and maintaining ShardingSphere-Proxy clusters and load balancing manually can be labor-intensive and time-consuming. To address this issue, Apache ShardingSphere offers ShardingSphere on Cloud, a collection of cloud-based solutions.

ShardingSphere-on-Cloud includes automated deployment scripts to virtual machines in cloud environments. It also includes tools for a Kubernetes cloud-native environment and a variety of hands-on content for high availability, observability, security policy compliance, and more. This includes Helm Charts, an Operator, and automatic horizontal scaling.

The new cloud project provides the following capabilities:

  • Helm Charts-based ShardingSphere-Proxy for one-click deployment in Kubernetes environments.
  • Operator-based ShardingSphere-Proxy for one-click deployment and automated maintenance in Kubernetes environments.
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) CloudFormation-based ShardingSphere-Proxy for rapid deployment.
  • Terraform-based rapid deployment of ShardingSphere-Proxy in AWS environments.

This article demonstrates one of the fundamental capabilities of ShardingSphere on Cloud: One-click deployment of ShardingSphere-Proxy clusters in Kubernetes using Helm Charts.

  1. Use the following three-line command to create a three-node ShardingSphere-Proxy cluster within a Kubernetes cluster with the default configuration and serve it through the Service:

    $ helm repo add shardingsphere
    $ helm repo update
    $ helm install shardingsphere-proxy shardingsphere/apache-shardingsphere-proxy-charts -n shardingsphere
Create a three-node ShardingSphere-Proxy cluster

(Wu Weijie, CC BY-SA 4.0)

  1. The application can access the ShardingSphere-Proxy cluster through the svc domain:

    $ kubectl run mysql-client --image=mysql:5.7.36 \
      --image-pull-policy=IfNotPresent -- sleep 300
    $ kubectl exec -i -t mysql-client -- mysql \
      -h shardingsphere-proxy-apache-shardingsphere-proxy.shardingsphere.svc.cluster.local \
      -P3307 -uroot -proot
Access the cluster through the svc domain

(Wu Weijie, CC BY-SA 4.0)

It's as easy as that. You're running ShardingSphere on the cloud, and that's just the beginning. For more advanced features, refer to the official ShardingSphere-on-Cloud documentation.

This article is adapted from A Distributed Database Load Balancing Architecture Based on ShardingSphere: Demo and User Case and is republished with permission.

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Avatar PMC member for Apache ShardingSphere Infrastructure Engineer of SphereEx

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