Start a blog in 30 minutes with Hugo, a static site generator written in Go

Find out how Hugo makes building websites fun again.
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Do you want to start a blog to share your latest adventures with various software frameworks? Do you love a project that is poorly documented and want to fix that? Or do you just want to create a personal website?

Many people who want to start a blog have a significant caveat: lack of knowledge about a content management system (CMS) or time to learn. Well, what if I said you don't need to spend days learning a new CMS, setting up a basic website, styling it, and hardening it against attackers? What if I said you could create a blog in 30 minutes, start to finish, with Hugo?

A sample blog created in Hugo

Hugo is a static site generator written in Go. Why use Hugo, you ask?

  • Because there is no database, no plugins requiring any permissions, and no underlying platform running on your server, there's no added security concern.
  • The blog is a set of static websites, which means lightning-fast serve time. Additionally, all pages are rendered at deploy time, so your server's load is minimal.
  • Version control is easy. Some CMS platforms use their own version control system (VCS) or integrate Git into their interface. With Hugo, all your source files can live natively on the VCS of your choice.

To put it bluntly, Hugo is here to make writing a website fun again. Let's time the 30 minutes, shall we?

Minutes 0-5: Download Hugo and generate a site

To simplify the installation of Hugo, download the binary file. To do so:

  1. Download the appropriate archive for your operating system.
  2. Unzip the archive into a directory of your choice, for example C:\hugo_dir or ~/hugo_dir; this path will be referred to as ${HUGO_HOME}.
  3. Open the command line and change into your directory: cd ${HUGO_HOME}.
  4. Verify that Hugo is working:
    • On Unix: ${HUGO_HOME}/[hugo version]
    • On Windows: ${HUGO_HOME}\[hugo.exe version]
      For example, c:\hugo_dir\hugo version.

    For simplicity, I'll refer to the path to the Hugo binary (including the binary) as hugo. For example, hugo version would translate to C:\hugo_dir\hugo version on your computer.

    If you get an error message, you may have downloaded the wrong version. Also note there are many possible ways to install Hugo. See the official documentation for more information. Ideally, you put the Hugo binary on PATH. For this quick start, it's fine to use the full path of the Hugo binary.

  1. Create a new site that will become your blog: hugo new site awesome-blog.
  2. Change into the newly created directory: cd awesome-blog.

Congratulations! You have just created your new blog.

Minutes 5-10: Theme your blog

With Hugo, you can either theme your blog yourself or use one of the beautiful, ready-made themes. I chose Kiera because it is deliciously simple. To install the theme:

  1. Change into the themes directory: cd themes.
  2. Clone your theme: git clone kiera. If you do not have Git installed:
    • Download the .zip file from GitHub.
    • Unzip it to your site's themes directory.
    • Rename the directory from hugo-kiera-master to kiera.
  3. Change the directory to the awesome-blog level: cd awesome-blog.
  4. Activate the theme. Themes (including Kiera) often come with a directory called exampleSite, which contains example content and an example settings file. To activate Kiera, copy the provided config.toml file to your blog:
    • On Unix: cp themes/kiera/exampleSite/config.toml .
    • On Windows: copy themes\kiera\exampleSite\config.toml .
    • Confirm Yes to override the old config.toml
  5. (Optional) You can start your server to visually verify the theme is activated: hugo server -D and access http://localhost:1313 in your web browser. Once you've reviewed your blog, you can turn off the server by pressing Ctrl+C in the command line. Your blog is empty, but we're getting someplace. It should look something like this:

Example theming of a blog created in Hugo

You have just themed your blog! You can find hundreds of beautiful themes on the official Hugo themes site.

Minutes 10-20: Add content to your blog

Whereas a bowl is most useful when it is empty, this is not the case for a blog. In this step, you'll add content to your blog. Hugo and the Kiera theme simplify this process. To add your first post:

  1. Article archetypes are templates for your content.
  2. Add theme archetypes to your blog site:
    • On Unix: cp themes/kiera/archetypes/* archetypes/
    • On Windows: copy themes\kiera\archetypes\* archetypes\
    • Confirm Yes to override the archetype
  3. Create a new directory for your blog posts:
    • On Unix: mkdir content/posts
    • On Windows: mkdir content\posts
  4. Use Hugo to generate your post:
    • On Unix: hugo new posts/
    • On Windows: hugo new posts\
  5. Open the new post in a text editor of your choice:
    • On Unix: gedit content/posts/
    • On Windows: notepad content\posts\

At this point, you can go wild. Notice that your post consists of two sections. The first one is separated by +++. It contains metadata about your post, such as its title. In Hugo, this is called front matter. After the front matter, the article begins. Create the first post:

title = "First Post"
date = 2018-03-03T13:23:10+01:00
draft = false
tags = ["Getting started"]
categories = []

Hello Hugo world! No more excuses for having no blog or documentation now!

All you need to do now is start the server: hugo server -D. Open your browser and enter: http://localhost:1313/.

Hugo blog

Minutes 20-30: Tweak your site

What we've done is great, but there are still a few niggles to iron out. For example, naming your site is simple:

  1. Stop your server by pressing Ctrl+C on the command line.
  2. Open config.toml and edit settings such as the blog's title, copyright, name, your social network links, etc.

When you start your server again, you'll see your blog has a bit more personalization. One more basic thing is missing: menus. That's a quick fix as well. Back in config.toml, insert the following at the bottom:

    name = "Home" #Name in the navigation bar
    weight = 10 #The larger the weight, the more on the right this item will be
    url = "/" #URL address
    name = "Posts"
    weight = 20
    url = "/posts/"

This adds menus for Home and Posts. You still need an About page. Instead of referencing it from the config.toml file, reference it from a markdown file:

  1. Create an About file: hugo new Notice that it's, not posts/ The About page is not a blog post, so you don't want it displayed in the Posts section.
  2. Open the file in a text editor and enter the following:
title = "About"
date = 2018-03-03T13:50:49+01:00
menu = "main" #Display this page on the nav menu
weight = "30" #Right-most nav item
meta = "false" #Do not display tags or categories

> Waves are the practice of the water. Shunryu Suzuki

When you start your Hugo server and open http://localhost:1313/, you should see your new blog ready to be used. (Check out my example on my GitHub page.) If you'd like to change the active style of menu items to make the padding slightly nicer (like the GitHub live version), apply this patch to your themes/kiera/static/css/styles.css file.

A man in a red hat signifying the Opensource company called Red Hat
Marek Czernek is a Red Hatter at heart. Marek currently works on Red Hat's technical trainings as a course developer. In his spare time, he loves to learn anything Java, front-end, or math, and appreciates beautiful documentation and beautiful code. At times, he contributes to various projects' documentation, such as Tomcat and Liferay.


Wow... great article. Reading this makes me want to start blogging right now ! :D


Gone to Hugo

I have been interested in Hugo for some time now, but I've never been able to engage with it properly because I've never found a tutorial as helpful as yours. Thanks very much for writing this.

I second Bryan's comment. While I'm a Jekyll guy, Hugo has been on my radar for a while. I'll have this how-to open in a browser window when I dive into it.

great article! hugo is great :) I spend so much time trying to figure out what to use out of the options out there and hugo was the easiest to do. Also its constantly updated and has a nice community. Here is mine

> Add theme archetypes to your blog site

You don't need that, see [archetype lookup order]( Archetypes will be found within the theme as well, if not present in the site root.

The same mechanism applies for data files, templates, translations...

Hi there,

I'm afraid that is not true. Have you tried it? I just did, the resulting front matter looks as such:

title: "First Post"
date: 2018-03-27T15:16:44+02:00
draft: true

That is the default one. The lookup in the theme directory is not happening here I'm afraid.


In reply to by commenter (not verified)

How easy it is to convert a Drupal 7 or a WordPress site to Hugo? Any tips?

Thank you for the article. Really helpful. Do you have any instructions on how to secure the hugo website using SSL with Lets Encrypt for windows? Thanks again!!!’

Thank you Marek. Do you have any instructions or direct me somewhere on how to integrate this Microsoft IIS?

In reply to by mczernek

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