As part of my role as a senior product marketing manager at an enterprise software company with an open source development model, I publish a regular update about open source community, market, and industry trends for product marketers, managers, and other influencers. Here are five of my and their favorite articles from that update.
State of Software Engineering in 2020
Software is moving fast, and it is fusing into all other areas of industry. As it is a growing field, learning to program and improving your skills in software engineering can have get you great returns in the future. Moreover, identifying the fastest growing areas of software and investing your time into them can get you to even better places. Keep learning and try to find opportunities that you can capitalize on or products that can serve a niche in a growing field of software. When that niche becomes mainstream, you can end up with a successful product in your hands, which can become your future success. If it fails, it will be an immense experience on the path to becoming a product person.
The impact: Learn COBOL, see the world!
Why JavaScript is the programming language of the future
JavaScript has one of the most mature – if not THE most mature – ecosystems a programming language could ever have. The community for JavaScript is vast, and the entry barrier is extremely low.
The impact: The only knowledge I have of the veracity of this statement comes from the JavaScript people I follow on Twitter. If you can indeed extrapolate from them, then JavaScript has a pretty good shot.
Why Linux containers are a CIO's best friend
"A big take-away for CIOs is that fit enterprises increasingly view IT as a point of leverage for the business. Having a clear and consistent overall business strategy ranks as one of the most distinctive traits of fit enterprises," said Gartner VP and Distinguished Analyst Andy Roswell-Jones, in Gartner's report on the survey. "In such organizations, digital technology will drive that strategy."
The impact: Point of leverage meaning that if the IT an organization is selected in reference to and in support of that organization's overall strategy there will be an outsized lift on execution against that strategy. The corollary is that without a clear and consistent business strategy no technology can save your enterprise.
I hope you enjoyed this list and come back next week for more open source community, market, and industry trends.