The Open World Forum began this morning in Paris with several keynotes that were universally optimistic about the future of open source and the importance of openness. Jean…
I learned two things today. OK, let's hope that in a full day of Ohio LinuxFest, I learned more than two things. But these are the two relevant to this post: 1. People are…
Robyn Bergeron gave a Friday talk at Ohio LinuxFest titled "OM NOM - Open marketing--not obscure marketing." This post is based on her talk. Marketing is typically done in a…
These are the links and slides from our talk in the Ohio LinuxFest Medical Track on Friday, Sept. 10. Relevant links Open health from Health and Human Services CrisisCamp…
Earlier this year, Red Hat launched as a way to shine a light on the places where the open source way is multiplying ideas and effort beyond technology. The…