Articles in this section examine how free and open source software is changing the world of geographic and geospatial information science (GIS) and mapping.
Having a built-in navigation system in your new car is pretty commonplace now (that is, if you want to pay for it). These days many new car owners can just type in the address…
Maps touch our lives daily. Whether you are trying to find a nearby point of interest or directions to a faraway land, maps help us find our way. In recent years, maps have…
You know the Human Genome project. Well, this is the Belief Genome project. Instead of mapping genes, Sidian Jones is mapping beliefs—across ages, genders, and geographies. He…
Everyone is talking about maps lately. Google maps are no longer on the iPhone. Apple maps have some serious bugs. Luckily, open source maps are making a move. MapBox…
What's it like to work for your state government? What kinds of software are approved for use? How far do you think openness in government trickles down? I've been asked…
The second CityCamp Colorado started off with Tom Downey and Stephanie O'Malley from the City of Denver setting the stage for the day’s theme: enhancing access to government…