Making transparency work for Harvard's Dataverse Project Making research data open and available is easier when we all work transparently.
Beat the biggest threat to the open organization: Bias In meritocracies, everyone makes decisions. Use these strategies to keep personal biases at bay.
A community-powered approach to diversity and inclusion We took an open approach to publishing our company's diversity statistics. Here's what we learned.
How working transparently united our engineers Buffer's passion for transparency is obvious. So why weren't we open sourcing our code? Here's what happened when I asked.
Crowdsourcing the way to a more flexible strategic plan My team recently gathered more than 100 action items from our community—then completed them all within a year. Here's how we did it.
A 7-step plan for engaging your community's naysayers Every community has at least one Mr. Grumpy. Here's a plan for helping naysayers make useful contributions.