Ahmad is an advocate of all things open source and a developer tooling enthusiast. Currently leading the talented engineering team at Mashape in building world-class API tools and Marketplace. In his spare time, Ahmad blogs on Technology & Leadership, mentors early stage startups, and builds open source projects used by thousands of developers world wide.
Authored Comments
Hey Bob,
thanks for your feedback, others have made similar points to yours, and I have provided my response to that in the comments.
> "Microsoft is embracing open source"
embracing open source has nothing to do with adopting an "Open Development Methodology" (not the lack of "source" in the naming) :)
the lessons and the tenets are learned and adopted from the Open Source world, but that does not mean moving your software and teams to open source, that's irrelevant to this discussion and more of a choice depending on the context on the product you're building.
as for Windows 10 + Agile.
I can't be sure to comment, I don't know exactly the inner works on the teams in Microsoft, or to what level of success they have implemented an Agile process (Scrum, XP, others ...)