Alok Sharma was born and raised in Jaipur (India). Alok has Masters in VLSI Deisgn (M.Tech.) from Malaviya National Institute of Technology (M.N.I.T), Jaipur. Alok has worked with the Higher Technical Institution in Reseach Lab and other IT organization as a Linux System Administrator and managed Server Team as a Lead.
Authored Comments
You are just concentrating on only 1 side of a coin. System Administration is not only Deveops. It is much more than Deveops.
Thanks for the feedback.
I would like to mention that the not every system admin is expert/cabable in Ansible, deveops etc. because generally there are L1, L2, L3 level of System admins with different level of responsibilities like documentation, monitoring, ticket handling, escalation handling etc.
And the System Admin on client locations must have to follow the instructions from the client with constraints and minimum tools and resources. Like, in many organizations the Patching is manual and in some patching may be automated.
Autodiscovery tools are an option but inventory can be done simply by exporting the data from Virtual environment (like VMware) and same can be done for physical servers. Still there are multiple organizations, which are not using containeraized environment, Instead they are using private cloud only.
Integration, autodiscovery, what to use, how to use, when to use are only decided by customer and the System Admin must have to bind and follow the Instructions to make the things better with his best effort.
So, the point is, that the article is general for 'To Dos' as a System Admin, it is not for specific or customized environment.
How to do can only be decided by Service provider and Customer agreements by keeping the view of limitations of resources.