Anne Gentle works in open source projects with the OpenStack project at Rackspace, using open source techniques for API design and documentation. She ensures the docs.openstack.org site contains relevant and accurate documentation for 20 projects written in Python across 130 git repositories. She advocates for cloud users and administrators by providing accurate technical information to increase OpenStack adoption as a cloud for the world.Prior to joining Rackspace in 2010, Anne worked as a community publishing consultant, providing strategic direction for professional writers who want to produce online content in collaborative ways. Her enthusiasm for community-based documentation methods prompted her to write a book about using social publishing techniques for technical documentation titled Conversation and Community: The Social Web for Documentation.As a supporter of women in technology, Anne coordinated efforts to connect OpenStack to the GNOME Outreach Program for Women, now named Outreachy. She writes about open source and community techniques for web content development at justwriteclick.com. As the mom of two youngsters with an awesome husband, she relishes every opportunity to talk with people who are as fascinated with technology as she is.
Authored Comments
Want to be sure to point you and other readers to the follow-up post about CI/CD for documentation:
Thanks David, wanted to be sure you know I've noted your request to write more about CI for docs. Really it's the OpenStack infrastructure team who made CI accessible for docs. I definitely think there's another article in there. I'll start writing it up and see where I can post it, thanks for the suggestion.