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Staffordshire, UK
Self-taught designer and front-end developer, passionate about open source graphics packages Inkscape and GIMP.
Self-taught designer and front-end developer, passionate about open source graphics packages Inkscape and GIMP.
Authored Comments
I think a lot of us would admit we're still not at the point where we can ditch printers altogether.
I'm trying though: I've gone as far as digitising my CV and building a semi-interactive HTML page (responsive, of course) for it, which serves as a code demo as well as a quick-look resource for when I make a new contact. But I felt compelled to create a downloadable version as well because I know recruiters like to peruse them in hard-copy format, for which I designed in Inkscape and merged the pages into a final PDF.
Thanks so much, Seth. The design arena is a tough one to enter, even just peripherally, and not as welcoming as some would like to believe. It's important to stick to your chosen software and trust you can do it. I think the moment I realised I'd got my workflow right was when I got my icon pack (created in Inkscape) accepted on Graphic River (http://graphicriver.net/item/twotone-flat-icon-pack/5640413), which really showed me that open source packages were viable options for this work if used well.